Unfortunately, we cannot restore your account at this time due to age restrictions. You are more than welcome to come back again and contact our Customer Care team in the future and start a new journey with us.
I am underage, but my parents / legal guardians allow me to play your games. Can I now play your games?
Unfortunately, under local laws, we are not authorized to provide you access to our games even with your parents’ or legal guardians’ permission. Thank you for your understanding and for helping us make our games a safe and trusting experience for all our players.
I am an adult, but I accidentally entered the wrong age when I was asked. Will restarting my game give me access?
Mistakes can happen, and that’s why we are here to help you regain access to your account. Restarting the game will not help, as we want to make sure that our Age Guidelines are being properly enforced. Therefore, please send a message to our Customer Care team at support@wooga.com in order for our experts to examine your case.
I entered the wrong age when I was asked, and I want to go back to my game. Is my old account going to be deleted?
In order to prevent unnecessary setbacks to your progress in our games, we have blocked access to your account, and your game will be waiting for you once we have examined your case.