Detectives, get your magnifying glasses ready, the Vault is here! The Vault is a time-limited event and a wonderful opportunity for you to access more amazing rewards.
Simply by enjoying your daily dose of June’s Journey, you can access exceptional Vault deals containing fantastic rewards, and purchase them if you want to. All you have to do is keep on playing regular Hidden Object Scenes as usual. Alrighty! Sounds like a fun way to get some extra goodies!
You can purchase the contents of the Vault at the discounted price after you reach the required minimum of stored rewards. If you want to optimize the Vault, you can continue earning more rewards until the Vault is full. It’s up to you to decide!
After reaching the minimum, you can open and claim the Vault’s contents at any point during the event if you so wish. Rewards that aren’t collected when the event ends will be lost, so be sure to grab them while you can!
To add some excitement to the event, the Vault is only available for a limited time, so keep your eyes on the prize and don’t lose your opportunity to claim marvelous rewards.
As with any other event in June's Journey, the Vault will appear at random. When the event begins, the Vault icon will appear on the left side of your main island screen. Be careful not to miss it!
It’s easy! To fill up the Vault, simply complete tasks by playing regular Hidden Object Scenes. Once the task is complete, your event rewards will be stored in the Vault.
You will complete the same task throughout each Vault event, and you can see the ongoing task on the Vault screen, such as ‘Beat Your Own Score’, for example.
Remember to finish the Hidden Object Scene for the Vault to count your progress.
Here are some examples of the tasks you can complete to fill the Vault:
Beat your own high score in Hidden Object Scenes
For this one you just need to choose any scene and get a higher score than the one previously registered on the scene leaderboard.
Earn ”x” Coins in Hidden Object Scenes
For this one you just need to play Hidden Object Scenes as you usually do.
Every time you play a scene, you earn Coins as rewards. The amount of Coins you receive depends on a couple of things. For example, completing the scene with a PERFECT always gives you a bonus.
Once you’ve collected enough Coins to fulfill the task, the event reward will be added to the Vault.
Find “x” objects in Hidden Object Scenes
For this one you just need to play Hidden Object Scenes as you usually do. Every item you find (and tap) in the scene will count toward the progress of this task.
The only thing you need to take into account is that, for all the objects you find to be counted as task progression, you need to finish playing the scene.
What rewards can I get by opening the Vault?
Your Vault will be filled up with fabulous rewards. There is always a main reward, which can be Coins, Diamonds, or Energy.
But if you’re lucky enough you might get more! In some events you can earn additional rewards that are added to your Vault as a nice surprise. These additional rewards can include more Coins, Diamonds, or Energy… or some extra special goodies like Memoirs packs, Flowers, Gold, Compasses, Decorations and many more wonderful rewards.
Are my regular rewards from the end of the round being put into the Vault?
No. The end-of-round rewards remain exactly the same and are given to you immediately. When the Vault event is active, you collect more rewards for completing tasks.
Do different players claim different rewards?
The allocation of a Vault is random, and players may receive different rewards for any given Vault event.
Why can’t I add more rewards to my Vault?
To be able to reward all players fairly, every Vault has the same maximum capacity. Once you have filled up the Vault to its maximum capacity, no more rewards can be added to it. A check mark will appear on the Vault icon when your Vault is full.
Also, when the Vault timer runs out you can’t add any more rewards to your Vault. You only have a limited time to collect your rewards, so it’s always wise to keep an eye on the timer during a Vault event.
When can I open the Vault?
Eager to claim all of the awesome rewards stored in your Vault? Do you see a green claim button? You’re good to go!
Good things come to those who wait! Once you have added enough rewards to your Vault, you will be able to open it and claim its contents at the price point listed.
It’s your decision if you want to get those nice rewards right away or continue adding to the Vault until it is full. Just remember to check how much time you have left on the Vault timer every once in a while.
You can purchase the accumulated rewards by tapping the Claim button and following the instructions.
After claiming the rewards in the Vault, the event will be over for you and the Vault icon will be removed from your island’s home screen.
What happens if I open the Vault before it’s completely filled up?
The rewards that are visible at the time of the purchase are added to your inventory. This includes the main Vault reward and bonus rewards if there are any.
What is the event timer?
The event timer will tell you how much time you have left to add event rewards to the Vault by completing tasks while playing Hidden Object Scenes. You can only collect rewards until the timer runs out.
If I exceed the requirements for a task, what happens to the extra progress I made?
You don’t have to worry. If you exceed a task milestone in a given round, extra Coins or extra objects that are found in the Hidden Object Scene carry over toward the next task completion. No rewards are wasted.
How much time do I have to collect event rewards?
You have limited time to fill up the Vault. Once the timer runs out, two things can happen:
If you have collected enough rewards to claim, the timer will be replaced with ‘Ready’ and you can purchase the rewards… but you cannot add more rewards to the Vault.
If you haven’t reached the minimum rewards required to claim, the Vault event ends for you and the Vault will disappear. You are not able to claim any rewards after the Vault is gone, but there’s no need to worry. You will have many more opportunities in the future.
To optimize each Vault event and get the most out of the amazing rewards, plan your purchases carefully.
How do I know my Vault is full?
When you have collected enough rewards, the Vault will enter its full state. At this point you can no longer collect rewards, but you can still claim the contents before the timer runs out. On the main island screen, the Vault icon will have a check mark next to it if you have filled up the Vault with some time to spare.
What happens if I disconnect midway through a round?
Since you are collecting rewards after a regular Hidden Object Scene, if you disconnect or the device powers down, the progress for that specific round is lost. Rewards, if any, are only offered to you if you successfully complete a Hidden Object Scene. But don’t worry, any Vault progress that's already been made will remain intact, and you can quickly make up for the lost round progress by playing the round again.
Do I have to claim the Vault’s contents?
You are not obliged to claim the contents of your Vault, but additional rewards will be added to the Vault regardless of whether or not you want to participate. And don’t worry, if you are unsure about claiming the Vault’s contents, you have until the Vault timer runs out to decide. Maybe the deal is too good to pass up.
Why can't I see the Vault on my island screen?
Uh-oh, it looks like the Vault event has already ended… or maybe you already opened the Vault during the event and claimed the awesome rewards. The Vault icon disappears from the main island screen after a purchase or when the event is over.
Don’t worry though, the next Vault event will be along soon!