Playing June's Journey with others
Club Competitions
For more tutorial videos, check out our June’s Journey YouTube channel! What are Club Competitions? Club competitions ...
How to Join a Club in June’s Journey (Video)
For more tutorial videos, check out our June’s Journey YouTube channel!
How to Serve Drinks in the June's Journey Café (Video)
For more tutorial videos, check out our June’s Journey YouTube channel!
How to Shop with Tips (Video)
For more tutorial videos, check out our June’s Journey YouTube channel!
What is Spot the Difference?
Spot the Difference is a type of competition. The screen is split in two, and you must tap on objects that appear on one side of the screen ...
Detective Leagues - Introduction
For more tutorial videos, check out our June’s Journey YouTube channel! What are Detective Leagues?Detective Leagues are lo...
Fair Play Policies
We at June’s Journey take pride in our values and aspire to be close to our players by amplifying their voices through our games. We hear yo...
What is the Café?
What is the Café?The Café in June’s Journey’s Detective Lounge is where you can exchange drinks with your club mates (or other players you a...
What are the Detective Clubs?
What are the Detective Clubs?Detective Clubs are teams of June's Journey players that share drinks with each other, chat, have fun, and play...
What is the Tip Shop?
What is the Tip Shop?The Tip Shop is the marketplace of the Detective Lounge, and your go-to spot to trade the Tips you have collected for f...
Café Restrictions
What are the restrictions?All good things come in moderation, Detective, just like drinks in the Café. In order to keep the Café a fair and ...
How to invite friends and get rewards?
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