Confirmation email for new subscribers

To receive our newsletters, you first need to subscribe. Please find the instructions here

If you have just subscribed and have not received the confirmation email after 10 minutes, please follow the steps below:

  • Make sure you check your mailbox folders like spam, advertisements, promotions, and others. Automated emails from new senders are often placed there
  • Try searching for in the search bar of your email service provider

If, after attempting each of these steps, you still have not received the confirmation email, please contact us using this link, and our team will investigate this issue further for you.


General solutions

If you successfully subscribed and still do not receive our newsletters, here is a list of potential solutions:

  • Make sure you check all mailbox folders like spam, advertisements, promotions, and others
  • Search for in your mailbox
  • If you still cannot find it, it is possible that your email provider is blocking it. In this case, please try whitelisting our email address
  • Please review your list of blocked contacts, your settings, and your folder of deleted messages. Some emails are occasionally marked as deleted messages
  • One common reason for not receiving emails is full storage of the email inbox. If your inbox storage is full, you can delete some old messages or get more storage

If you followed these instructions and still do not receive our emails, please contact us here

If you are having trouble redeeming your reward, please see our guide on how to redeem gift links.